Academic Exchange, November 2018
The vibrant land of Free state of Bavaria brought together a high-powered group of education experts committed to advancing Multi Cultural Studies at five leading national universities in the Republic of Macedonia. From 4th to 10th November, Vice Rectors, Deans and Senior Faculty from State University of Tetova, UGD – Shtip, UKIM – Skopje, South East European University (SEEU), Универзитет „Св. Климент Охридски“ – Битола met to discuss and outline their commitments to future plans stemming out of the CPS project activities that have been implemented by CBC Loja in Macedonia. This diverse in every respect Study Group was also welcomed by German academic organizations with interest and expertise in South East Europe. Academic exchange, double degree programs, joint research projects and joint summer courses were just a few among the many ideas that were explored. Implementing mechanisms for such joint initiatives were also presented by the German organizations. Warmth, openness and concrete ideas were the hallmark of all these meetings. CBC Loja thanks Bayhost, Bavarian Academic Center for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, IOS Regensburg, University of Regensburg , Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Augsburg University, Mobility and Inclusion in Multilingual Europe. The visit to the Memorial Site Dachau Concentration Camp, Dachau, Germany was deeply moving.
CBC Loja as ideator and the facilitator of this CPS project is proud of the way this network representing the country’s diversity and aspirations has advanced and harmonized its agenda. This network is now at the cusp of mainstreaming its learnings into the curriculum and organizational structures of the participating universities. The network has the intent, capacity and preparedness to set the quality bench mark for Multi-Cultural Studies in their universities and in the country at large.
A structured debrief and forward planning session was organized by CBC Loja in Munich too. Bujar Luma Founder of CBC Loja opened the meeting and lay out the discussion agenda. Benjamin Blanker, Regional Coordinator for the Western Balkans at KURVE Wustrow gave an overview of KW plans for the region and highlighted the commitment to the partnership with Center for Balkan Cooperation LOJA. Gudrun Steinacker infused this discussion with her remarks on the support of the German government and the EU to multi-cultural processes in the higher education system. Ambassador Steinecker’s wide experience as a diplomat in the Western Balkans comes bundled with widely recognized credibility from the civil society actors of this region. CBC Loja as one of facilitators of establishing of RYCO was honored with participation and contributions of the General Secretary of Regional Youth Cooperation Office – RYCO, Đuro Blanuša at this meeting reaffirm the commitment of CBC Loja to RYCO and of RYCO’s interest in supporting the education project in regional level. The vibrant and fast paced dialogue was moderated by Sunoor Verma, a senior international Track 2 expert in Strategy and Partnerships with rich experience in South East Europe. The room was filled with amazing inputs and frank exchanges that reminded us of the universality of challenges that educators in Macedonia’s universities face every day. Concrete forward-looking solutions with commitments by the participating universities were noted and will feature in the upcoming meeting report. KURVE Wustrow – Bildungs- und Begegnungsstätte für…and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and… are both long standing partners of CBC Loja and we thank them for their support and guidance. It is only through the pooling of our noble intentions, expertise and experiences in multi-culture that we can advance peace and stability in Macedonia as well as in Europe.
Huge thanks to the LOJA’s and KW CPS team for the amazing work.