
Thirrje për trajnim/Повик за трeнинг

Nëse punoni në fushën e arsimit, kulturës, dhe në institucione tjera të administratës shtetërore, dhe pandemia ju ka krijuar sfida shtesë; situata izolimi e konfikti në ambientin e punës atëherë LOJA ju ofron mundësi që së bashku me kolegët tuaj t’i diskutojmë dhe eksplorojmë metodat kreative dhe praktikat paqësore për tejkalimin e këtyre sfidave. Afati …

Academic Exchange 2020

Academic Exchange 2020

The fourth Academic Exchange of #Center_LOJA / CPS project took place in Tirana – Albania from 25th to 28th of October and brought together professors and deans from our cooperating universities all over North Macedonia. The diverse program allowed for an inspiring exchange with Albanian experts from academic world and public sphere. This exchange offered …

OPEN CALL: Artist in Residency Tetovo – North Macedonia

OPEN CALL: Artist in Residency Tetovo – North Macedonia

A.R.T is a unique opportunity for artists based in Germany or German nationals living abroad who are willing to engage in the socio-political context and social life in North Macedonia. For more information & the application form, find the link below Deadline: 21st of October, 2020

Open Call: Civic Activism Training

Open Call: Civic Activism Training

Apply now at the following link 👉 for the unique opportunity to learn up-to-date techniques and get support. 08-13.10.2020, Ohrid Application deadline is 05.10.2020 (13:00h). Get active, take action, make change! Open Call for participants – #Transformers Civic Activism – Art for Social Change from #WB6: NMK, AL, KS, BiH, MNE and SRB. Individuals, …

Visit of the French and German Ambassadors

Visit of the French and German Ambassadors

On September 21st, in a small circle of friends, collaborators, embassy staff, Germany and French Institutions, academics, #Center_LOJA had the honor to organize a small Farewell/Welcome event for the ambassadors of France H.E.Christian Thimonier and Germany H.E. Anke Holstein. This event started with short visit – meeting at Center LOJA. Presenting LOJA from it’s beginning we focused …

Thirrje për trajnim / Отворен повик за обука

Thirrje për trajnim / Отворен повик за обука

Qendra për Bashkëpunim Ballkanik LOJA organizon trajnim për përpunim kreativ të konflikteve. Afati për aplikim është 17.09.2020. Мë poshtë mund ta gjeni linkun me hollësitë e trajnimit ————— Центарот за балканска соработка ЉОЈА организира обука за креативна разработка на конфликти. Крајниот рок за пријавување е 17.09.2020 Подолу можете да најдете линк за деталите на …

Open Call: Civic Activism Training

Open Call: Civic Activism Training

Apply now! Unique opportunity to learn up-to-date techniques and get support to apply them. Get active, take action, make change! Open Call for participants – #Transformers Civic Activism – Art for Social Change for participants from #WB6: NMK, AL, KS, BiH, MNE and SRB. Individuals, formal or non-formal groups that are interested in using art techniques as form …

Football without Borders

Football without Borders

From 27th of October to 02nd of November 2019, more than 30 youngsters from North Macedonia, Germany and France participated at the first phase of the youth-sport-exchange ‘Football without Borders”. For a week youngsters had opportunity to explore the cities of Tetovo, Skopje and Ohrid as well as hiked in the Sharr Mountains. Throughout the …