LOJA Erasmus Exchanges 2024
LOJA organizes multiple Erasmus Exchanges to Italy, Spain, France and Germany to give opportunties to youngster from N. Macedonia to expierence other cultures, meet people from all over the world and bring home great expierences and skills learned.
Here are a few examples of this years exchanges:
Spain, Alicante: 9.-17.10.
The program focused on theatre, offering the participants the opportunity to deepen their understanding of theatrical performance through a series of workshops on acting and stage play.
Artivism, Pignola, Italy: 4.-12.10.
The exchange gives to the youth a chance to experiment with different forms of contemporary art alongside the professional artists and to discover its power to revive the cities and use it to valorize existing cultural offers.
The binge action theory, Calabria, Italy: 2. – 10.10.
The projects objective was to create short theatrical performances for an audience in Caccuri in an exchange with youngsters from N. Macedonia, Turkey and Italy.
Street Football Germany, Berlin: 20-27.10
French-German-Greek-N. Macedonian Exchange, Berlin: 1. – 8.8.
Street football, Marseille, France: 21-28.7.
Challenge roles, Cappizi, Italy: 17. – 23.7.
He for She – Gender equality, Apice, Italy: 9. – 16.7.
Art doesn´t know barriers, Pignola, Italy: 24. – 31.5.