Gardening project
Gardening project – “Notre jardin / unser Garten / Kopshti ynë – Нашата Градина” took place in Tetovo. This project brought together a group of 40 youngsters and team members from Macedonia, France and Germany. Project aims to transform the “spaces” and provide model of a form of youth active citizen that uses creative techniques as form of activism. Activities offer the opportunity for the youngster to discover different aspects of Tetovo especially show the city in the light of missing “of urban spaces”. Program itself incorporates variety of activities: creative workshops, visits, games, sport as well as involves them in a gardening workshop.
This work has resulted with a little garden at the court of Secondary Medical School “Nikola Shtejn”, Tetovo that was promoted on Saturday, August 4th, 2018
This project is organized and realized by LOJA – Centre for Balkan Cooperation – Tetovo – MK in cooperation with Centre Français de Berlin-DE and Foyer rural les P’tits Cailloux – Quezac, FR and is supported by Office franco-allemand pour la Jeunesse / Deutsch-französisches Jugendwerk and partly by our longstanding partner – Kurve Wustrow..