Visit of the French and German Ambassadors

Visit of the French and German Ambassadors

Visit of the French and German Ambassadors

On September 21st, in a small circle of friends, collaborators, embassy staff, Germany and French Institutions, academics, #Center_LOJA had the honor to organize a small Farewell/Welcome event for the ambassadors of France H.E.Christian Thimonier and Germany H.E. Anke Holstein. This event started with short visit – meeting at Center LOJA. Presenting LOJA from it’s beginning we focused on our experience on Reconciliation, Second Track Diplomacy and Soft Power. Together we recall our common efforts for transformation of local and regional narratives into European frame: like: #RYCO in the frame of #Berlin_Process#CivilPeaceServiceProgram for the Future Teachers, longterm experience of exchanges with #OFAJ DFJW and the regional training modules of #Transformers_Project – Art for Social Change. We profoundly want to thank Ambassador Thimonier for its genuine contribution for all these years toward Center_LOJA, the country and Western Balkan Region. We use this opportunity to wish to ambassador Holstein productive time in North Macedonia. LOJA remains committed and trustworthy partner in this journey! LOJA thanks you and wishes you all the best in new missions!!

Merci / Danke!